Error processing SSI file

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1280 x 1024 | 1280 x 768

Error processing SSI file


For Windows 95 or higher:
1. Click on the 1280 x 1024 or 1280 x 768 link
2. After the image appears in your browser, click the right-hand button on your mouse.
3. On the menu that pops up, select 'set as wallpaper'.

For Macintosh:
1. Click on the 1280 x 1024 or 1280x 768 link
2. After it appears in your browser, drag the image onto your desktop.
3. From the Apple Menu (at the top left of your screen) select 'control panels'
, then 'desktop pictures' or 'appearance'. (If the new window reads 'appearance,' select the tab that reads 'desktop.')
4. If necessary, click 'remove picture' to clear the current desktop picture.
5. Click 'select picture' or 'place picture,' then locate and click the image file.
6. Click 'OK' or 'choose.'
7. Click 'set desktop.'

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