Education Project Evaluation - Getting Help

photo of teachers and students gathering samples at a beach

Tool: Evaluation Help Checklist

To help you assess what assistance you need to evaluate your project we've developed this checklist. Read through the skills and click on the response that best matches your ability. Based on your response you will be directed to a resource that may help you. You can also review the Online Help or Evaluator Directory for more guidance. 

Harvard Family Research Project: Research Areas

Western Michigan University: The Evaluation Center Library

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) Database

Google Scholar

Online Evaluation Resource Library (OERL): Instruments

Choosing a Data Gathering Method (pdf)

 Getting Started (General Info)
I can do this Great!
I need some help with this

National Science Foundation Evaluation Design

W.K. Kellogg Foundation: Toolkit on Evaluation

Online Evaluation Resource Library (OERL): Overview

My Environmental Education Evaluation Resource Assistant (MEERA)

Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) Evaluation Services

Univ. of Wisconsin-Extension Program Development & Evaluation

I'm not sure what this is Evaluation Plan

 Setting Goals & Writing Objectives
I can do this Great!
I need some help with this

SDSU Educational Technology: Understanding Objectives

Penn State: How to Write Clear Objectives

SFSU: Learning Objectives

I'm not sure what this is GoalObjectives

 Linking Objectives & Outcomes (logic models)
I can do this Great!
I need some help with this

University of Wisconsin-Extension: Logic Model

W.K. Kellogg Foundation: Logic Model Development Guide

Harvard Family Research Project: Learning from Logic Models

I'm not sure what this is Evaluation PlanLogic Models

 Identifying Appropriate & Measurable Outcomes
I can do this Great!
I need some help with this

Outcome Measurement Resource Network

Outcome Measurement in Nonprofit Organizations (pdf)

I'm not sure what this is OutcomeObjective

 Researching Literature/Finding Evaluation Studies
I can do this Great!
I need some help with this
I'm not sure what this is Literature Review

 Setting & Designing Data Collection Methods (Surveys, etc.)
I can do this Great!
I need some help with this
I'm not sure what this is InstrumentItem

 Collecting Data
I can do this Great!
I need some help with this

Detangling Data Collection

Samples & Sampling

Statistics Glossary: Sampling

I'm not sure what this is SampleSamplingRandom

 Coding & Entering Data for Analysis
I can do this Great!
I need some help with this

Coding Qualitative Data (pdf)

Data Analysis: Interpreting Response Scales (pdf)

I'm not sure what this is Coding

 Analyzing Data
I can do this Great!
I need some help with this

Statistics Glossary

Hyperstat Online

Reporting Quantitative Data (pdf)

Reporting Qualitative Data (pdf)

I'm not sure what this is StatisticDescriptive StatisticsInferential Statistics

 Reporting Results
I can do this Great!
I need some help with this

National Science Foundation: Developing Evaluation Reports

Online Evaluation Resource Library (OERL): Reports

University of Wisconsin-Extension: Basics of Good Evaluation Reporting (pdf)

I'm not sure what this is Results

Online Help

My Environmental Education Evaluation Resource Assistant (MEERA)
This website provides evaluation resources for formal and non-formal environmental educators. Current offerings include professionally selected and reviewed how-to guides and other resources for evaluating environmental education programs as well as a discussion forum. MEERA is made possible by the University of Michigan, USDA Forest Service and the EPA.

OERL (Online Evaluation Resource Library)
This library was developed  for professionals seeking to design, conduct, document,  or review project evaluations. The purpose of this  system is to collect and make available evaluation  plans, instruments, and reports for NSF projects that  can be used as examples by Principal Investigators,  project evaluators, and others outside the NSF community as they design proposals and projects. OERL also includes  professional development modules that can be used to  better understand and utilize the materials made available. OERL's mission is to support the continuous improvement  of project evaluations.