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2007 Nancy Foster Cruise
Mission info 2007 Nancy Foster Cruise

Mission Log: Sept. 12, 2007
NOAA Shipt Nancy Foster

Emma Hickerson
Chief Scientist

Hurricane Humberto
Hi all! 

After several weeks of hurricane free weather in the Gulf of Mexico, the season has finally caught up with as, as Tropical Depression/Storm/Hurricane Humberto formed over us, and slightly to the west.  We spent all day today running around trying to keep out of the way of the strengthening storm, and thanks to the good judgment by Captain Jaime Verlaque, we did the right thing by heading directly south, then turning west, then northwest to tuck in behind the storm.   The highest sea state we ended up seeing was about  nine feet, and 40 knot winds. 

Juvenile Masked Booby
Prior to our run south, we spent the night surveying an area northwest of West Flower Garden Banks, called Coffee Lump.  We have nothing but old lead line data for this site, so it was great to obtain the data we did.  Thanks to the mapping team and the ship for their willingness to do this, despite the deteriorating conditions!   As we were running the lines, we were accompanied by this beautiful juvenile masked booby who spent quite a bit of time soaring around the ship, and diving down into the waves to catch flying fish.  Such a beautiful bird!

The research dive team spent the day entering data from their dives into the database, stowing gear, and catching up on the latest movies! 

We are following the storm into shore and will be back on the dock tomorrow.  We didn’t get the whole cruise in, but that’s life at sea – all we can do is plan, prepare, and take what we can get – whatever the weather gives us.

Thanks to all of you for visiting us during this mission!  Thanks to the wonderful crew of the NOAA Ship Nancy Foster!

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