Remembering Billy Causey

January 2025

NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries mourns the passing of Billy Causey, the first superintendent of Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary who passed last week at the age of 81.

a person standing behind a table with flyers and brochures talking to another person on the other side of the table
Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary superintendent Billy Causey answers questions for a member of the public at an event in the late 1980s. Image: NOAA

"Larger than life. A force of nature. A legend. An unflinching warrior for the cause of ocean conservation. Heart as big as the sky. These are some of the phrases I have heard spoken about Billy Causey. They are all true. We have lost a great champion with his passing. I had the honor to have known Billy as a mentor, colleague, and most of all—a friend. His enduring legacy will be an inspiration for generations to come. Thank you, Billy Causey! The marine world is a better place because you were here."

G.P. Schmahl, former superintendent of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary

Causey attended the University of Corpus Christi (now Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi) and Texas A&I University (now Texas A&M University– Kingsville), studying under the eminent marine biologist, Dr. Henry Hildebrand. He also was in a PhD program at the University of South Florida, from which he was later awarded an honorary doctorate degree. This introduced him to the Florida Keys coral reef ecosystem—which he dedicated the rest of his life to protecting and restoring.

After a successful career in the marine aquarium trade, Causey was selected by NOAA to serve as the manager of Looe Key National Marine sanctuary in the early 1980’s, and later became the superintendent of Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary upon its creation in 1990. Causey led the effort to develop a management plan and implement regulations for the newly designated sanctuary. Through his unwavering persistence, a comprehensive management plan for Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary was implemented in 1997, which included numerous innovative policies and programs. He served as sanctuary superintendent until 2006 when he took on the role as the southeastern regional director for the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries until his retirement in 2019.

four men in suits posing with a whale tail trophy
Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary - Billy Causey, southeast region director poses for a photo with Scott Hickman, the 2016 volunteer of the year; Clint Moore, former advisory council chair; and G.P. Schmahl, former superintendent. Image: Clint Moore

Causey was an important contributor to the installation of the original mooring buoys at East and West Flower Garden Banks in 1990. He also brought his expertise in installing moorings in the Florida Keys.

His contributions to the National Marine Sanctuary System and to the sanctuary communities who depend on these waters for their lives and livelihoods will be remembered and celebrated forever.