Lauren Heesemann
252-475-3663 x61
NOAA's Monitor National Marine Sanctuary
Seeks Advisory Council Applicants
NOAA's Monitor National Marine Sanctuary is seeking applicants for two seats on its sanctuary advisory council. The council ensures public participation in sanctuary management and provides advice to the sanctuary superintendent.
The sanctuary is accepting applications for seats representing: recreational/commercial fishing and education.
Candidates will be selected based on their expertise and experience in relation to the seat for which they are applying, community and professional affiliations, and familiarity with the protection and management of marine resources. Applicants who are chosen as members should expect to serve two-year terms, pursuant to the council's charter.
"The members of our advisory council represent an extremely important element of our community," said David Alberg, sanctuary superintendent. "Their input, experience and expertise assist us in making informed and timely management decisions on how best to protect the sanctuary resources."
The advisory council consists of 19 members representing a variety of regional interests and stakeholders, including education, conservation, heritage tourism, recreational and commercial fishing, recreational diving, and government.
Applications are due Dec. 31. To receive an application or for further information, please contact Shannon Ricles by phone at 757-591-7328 or by email at Completed applications should be mailed to Shannon Ricles, Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, 100 Museum Drive, Newport News, VA, 23606.
Monitor National Marine Sanctuary was designated in 1975 as the nation's first marine sanctuary in order to protect the wreck of the famed Civil War ironclad, USS Monitor, best known for its battle with the Confederate ironclad, CSS Virginia in Hampton Roads, Va., on March 9, 1862.
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